Dorothy Barber Tubman

Dr. John Truman Hawkins owned "Trent Hall." He married Dorothy Barber Tubman on 2 June 1795 & had one child. (Fresco(2)* :124)


Received real & personal property in her father’s will (1796.08.02, Proved 1797.08.31):

- “Indian Creek with Addition,” 64 acres in St. Mary’s Co.

- Lots 12 & 13 in Calverton Manor, Charles Co., with exceptions.

- Lot in Calverton Manor containing 138 acres, with exceptions.

- Several Negroes, named

- Household items, livestock & grain. (See father’s Notes for details).

Henry Sothoron licensed to marry Dorothy Barber Hawkins, widow of Dr. John Truman Hawkins. (Brumbaugh* 1:387, St. Mary’s Co., 1801.06.01)

She & husband Henry Sothoron successfully pursued legal action against her nieces for transfer of Lots 12 & 13 in Calverton Manor to Dorothy, as per her father’s will. (see Notes of Henry Sothoron for details).

Dorothy Barber Hawkins, elite, of Upper Resurrection in Charles County, emigrated  to Charles Co., MD in 1811.  (Hammett* :86)

She & husband sold parcels of land inherited from her father: (see Henry Sothoron’s Notes for details)

- Parcel of land for a mill seat, being part of Calverton Manor in Charles Co. & part of “Indian Creek” in St. Mary’s Co., 31 1/4 acres, sold to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. 3 March 1806. It was transferred back to Henry & Dorothy on 26 August 1806, and then sold to Meveral Moran for $1200 on 20 April 1813.

- Lots 12 & 13 in Calverton Manor, and 64 acres of “Indian Creek with Addition” sold to Meveral Moran on 13 June 1817.

- “Indian Creek with Addition,” 757 3/4 acres, sold to John Truman Hawkins on 20 June 1820 for $11,000.


** Children - Maryland

Petition of Dorothy Hawkins to be appointed guardian to her son, John Truman Hawkins. (Reno* {Fenwick* - Orphans Court Proc}, 1798.10).

Appraisal of lands held in guardianship for her son describes several tenement houses, and “...Trent Hall estate occupied by John Sothoron...” (see husband Henry’s Notes)

Eliza Sothoron, daughter of Henry & Mary Tubman Sothoron, married on 6 August 1816, William Thomas (born 8 March 1743), youngest son of Major William Thomas of "Deep Falls" in St. Mary's Co. She was the granddaughter of Henry Greenfield & Mary Bond Sothoron, and was born on 16 Sept 1793. (Gilliams*)

** Death

Private Communion given to Mrs. Dorothy B. Sothoron, consort of Henry Sothoron; and to Mrs. Susan Sothoron, consort of W.H. Sothoron. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co., 1832.01.11)

Mrs. Dorothy B. Sothoron died, funeral & burial on 14 January 1832 at place of "Major S." (Trinity Parish Register {MSA M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co., 1832.01.12)

Here Repose

the remains of


widow of

Dr. John Truman Hawkins

 and last consort of

Henry Sothoron

who departed this life

at the residence of her husband

Charles Co on the 12th of January


in the 60th year of her age

In this most exemplary lady were happily

blended high accomplishments with chastened



Grave Marker, The Plains, St. Mary’s Co., MD.  (WHS*)


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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.